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More Slogging Than Blogging April 15-17

The last three days for Little Bush has been on quite a ride. Chemo seemed as a normal part of her week, but turned into a mountain of pain to conquer. By Sunday afternoon she had slept in pain for 3 days and wondered if things were only going to get worse each week. Tall Tree was extremely concerned about his Little Bush and so off we packed into the portable mobile green rolling machine to OHSU we go. Emergency Room is the only thing we know there and so we hit the road at sundown Sunday and made it there in 25 minutes. Rushed in and treatment began with excellence. After hours of blood testing and CT Scans it was determined that the tumor Little Bush has the tumor pressing against her spleen and has caused much damage and perhaps surgery is the only answer. Not cancer there, but tissue that can cause blood clots is detected. Stronger drugs meds for the pain is given with much relief. Home at 12:15 AM brought welcome relieve for Tall Tree and Little Bush. After sleeping all night, yay, Little Bush got a knock on the door from Cactus Flower with a purple cactus flower. Nice visit with she and her Bush Boy,( Bob) Afternoon brought dinner from her friend, Tulip friend, (Jan), yummy food and great conversation. This evening there is a little more pain but not near what the weekend brought to her and she is grateful for any relief. For all you cancer patients out there, I salute you. You are brave.

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