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Music Note Anointing April 21-24

Been a rough 3 days for Little Bush. She had some much loving support and care, she would not have made it through the “whew” moments over the last 72 hours. Today, however was much better for feeling like she was on not a rollercoaster of nausea and spent much time with her head in the drain. Cactus Flower and Bush Boy brought a yummy meal and was appreciated greater. She even got to see the New Mobile Greenhouse they travel around in. What wonderful people to share their love with in the Gardener house. Can’t wait for the day Little Bush can pray it forward and pay it forward for others. Thursday evening was a wonderful ice cream going away party for the music director and his wife. First time Little Bush has been out dolled up with jewels and bald head and certainly brought lots of stares and conversations. If you going to stand out in a crowd, you might as well make it enough for people to ask questions. I call them Music Roses, spreading the aroma of 440 anointing perfection from their hearts. Will miss you both. Thanks for signing her friendship “blankie”. Had dinner served from Purple Tulip today and was yummy and easy on the tummy, southern style, beans and cornbread. Another thing is Little Bush would like to publicly thank the other flowers for their f contributions to the “gofundme” account Airplane plant set up. It takes the burden of copaid off and is not such a shock to the best laid plans of mice and of men. Thank you all for your love and continued support in every way. On that day, “If you call out my name, no matter where I am, I will be there”

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